With all of the well-established dangers and unpleasant side effects of smoking, some people may find it shocking that anybody starts or keeps smoking. Ernest Dichter from The Psychology of Everyday Living interviewed several hundred people and asked them why they liked to smoke cigarettes. Many people responded that smoking is simply fun; that it provides a good break during their day, a time to relax and get refreshed. Hundreds of people said that smoking is a reward system for them. Each time they accomplish something they tell themselves they deserve a cigarette as a reward. Soon this system of rewards becomes a conditioned response. One of the most significant reasons people smoke is that it provides oral pleasure. There is a powerful erotic sensitivity of the mouth region, and sucking on cigarettes stimulates this pleasure.
The online reference site Wise Geek provides more information on why people continue to smoke. Tobacco advertising can have a big effect on people's decision to smoke. For years, the industry has focused on making smoking glamorous through advertising in movies, television, and billboards. Now tobacco advertising is controlled by laws, but its effects can still be felt through free samples, coupons, and other media mechanisms. Another factor in continuing smoking is the social factor involved. Many people have friends and associates who smoke, so it is the natural thing for them to do as well.
People who smoke have many reasons for doing so, even though they are well-aware of the dangers they are exposing themselves to. The truth is that most people who smoke continue to do so because they simply can't quit. Smokers get a rush after a cigarette, and quitting smoking produces unpleasant side effects like withdrawal symptoms and trouble sleeping. About 70% of people who quit smoking will pick up the habit again. Smokers must be educated and offered effective treatment programs in order to effectively quit smoking.
I always do wonder why people would smoke in the first place, since it's so obviously bad for you. It seems like you would have to be crazy--except for all of the advertising and peer pressure, which makes it more understandable. I wish that cigarette companies weren't even allowed to advertise.
It seems weird to me that people still smoke cause they think it looks cool, its just something to do, our their fiends do it. Reminds us how sad the world is when someone can't say no to something they know is killing them day by day.
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